Fine Arts finished its 103rd season with a production of this Jeff Daniel's comedy. The mile-a-minute entrance-exits and madcap surrealism failed to obscure this comedy's deeply serious undertone.
George Noonan, played by member Charly Davis, was tossed to and fro in his deliberations about having a vasectomy.
He turns a routine visit to his urologist, played by member Anne Maters, into a psychotherapy session about life, the insignificance of the modern-day man and the vast difference between stewards and stewardesses.
His wife Rita, played by guest Amy Secor, doesn't want to chance adding another daughter to a family that already includes five girls.
And his deceased father Earl, played by guest Bruce Maters, still holds great sway over George.
Twenty nine other characters enter into George's decision-making process, all played by Bill McCarthy, Rob Green, Greg Ridella and Mark Wiacek. While some helped, most just added to the confusion his life was becoming. All were hilariously funny.
And although we never saw her on stage, Pat Vintevoghel provided an authentic stewardess' voice.
Thanks to all who helped make this another GREAT FINE ARTS SEASON!!!